Phippsburg Historical Society Records
Vital Records
Bowdoinham Vital Records - Georgetown Vital Records - Phippsburg Vital Records - Topsham Vital Records
Church Records
Phippsburg Church:
1.Miscellaneous Records 1765-1864
2.News Items, publications, designs up to 2002
3. History of the Linden Tree
Parker Head Church - Records of the Parker Head Church 1846-1979
Small Point Church - Records from 1820-2002
Pictures From The Past
Many of these pictures are copies made by former Trustee, Gloria Gray.Included are pictures from Ashdale, Dromore, Fiddlers Reach, Parker Head, Phippsburg Center, Popham, Sebasco, Small Point, West Point, Winnegance
Family Genealogy
Binder on Atkins:
1.Copy of “The New England Historical and Genealogical Register VOL. CXXI October 1967
Published Quarterly” by the New England Historic Genealogical Society
2.Article: “The Ten Daughters of Thomas Atkins of Kennebec” by Mrs. John E. Barclay, F.A.S.G., of Waltham, Mass
Binder on Beath/Larrabee:
1.Handwritten history “originally written by Mariery Reed Potter, March 29, 1872 - Age 82 yrs. Another hand written note says,”Found among the possessions of Katherine Pelham Larrabee (1 875-1 953).
2.Cottage Bible, Vol. 2, Printed 1835, Hartford Conn. Copy of Family Record.This record begins with Robert Larrabee, born in North Yarmouth Maine, June 3, 1785. died May 1, 1863, ae. 78 yers. married, Miss Hannah Cooper Beath of Boothbay, Jan. 6, 1807. The record continues with his children. On the back of sheet that gives the family record, is the statement that a copy of Bible belonging to Robert Larrabee formerly of Phippsburg Maine, now in the possession of his grand-daughter, Mary Pelham Hill of Topsham Maine. This list gives much of the same information, although there are a few differences.
Binder on Bartlett:
1. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol. CI October 1947, Published Quarterly by the New England Historic Genealogical Society. (See Page 279 for the Bartlett Family). The article, “Ancient Bible Reveals Additional Mayflower Descendants” contributed by Gloria McAuslan Christensen of Providence, R.I., contains an illustration of the Bartlett Family Bible of 1597.
2.There is included a family record of the Bartlett family of Phippsburg, Maine compiled by Mary Pelham Hill, from diferent sources, including list given by Hrs. Henry W. Butler of Bath, a daughter of Jeremiah & Almira (Pinkham) Bartlett. There is also history of the family from 1066 when Adam Bartlett, an Esquire, and Brian, a Knight, came to England from France with William the Conqueror.
3.Information is included on the Rogers family from George Rogers, born in Londonderry, Ireland in 1662, who married Isabella McCobb and came to America in 1720 or 21 settling first in Londonderry, N.H. and then came with much of the family to Georgetown which is now Phippsburg. George and Isabella’s children are listed in the material. The family is traced through William Rogers and Ruth Gray Rogers to their one son, Robert Rogers, born April 10, 1752 and who was married to Jane Grace March 21, 1775. Robert and Jane’s daughter, Ann Allen, born in 1787, married Ballard Bartlett.
4.There is also some information on the Drummond family and its connection to the Bartlett family.
5.There is information on the Heard family and its relationship to the Bartlett family through Nathan Barltett’s marriage to Shuah Heard on March 10, 1714. Shuah’s mother, Phebe Littlefield Heard, was killed by Indians when Shuah was three on July 4, 1697.
6.A second page of the listing of the Bartlett Family of Phippsburg Maine, descended from Richard Bartlett of the “Mary & John” is in this binder.
7.A copy of “The New England Historical and Genealogical Register VOL. CI October 1947” with the article about the Bartlett family is included.
8. There is an original newspaper article and a copy about “Stopham House, Sussex, England, Whence Came an Old Maine Family” .
Binder on Berry
1.Vital records for John Berry and Elizabeth Oliver.
2.Printed information on the history of the Berry family
3.Printed Berry family information from the “Tide” published by the Georgetown Historical Society, Vol. 22, #1 (May-June, 1996) Part 1.
4.Printed information on the LaChaise-Berry House circa 1840 by Trudell Brown published in the Georgetown “Tide”, Vo. 6, #4 (1980).
5. Printed information on “The General Joseph Berry Shipyard” by Billie Todd” published in the Georgetown “Tide”, Vol. 5 #1 (1979).
6. “The Berry Family of Georgetown” Part II (cont’d from Tide May-June, 1996) Vol. 22, #4 (Nov. - Dec. 1996)
7. Copy of Vital Records of Georgetown Maine to the Year 1892 Editor Mary Pelham Hill Committee on Publication Mary Pelham Hill, Chairman. Published Under the Authority of the Maine Historical Society, 1939. Copy of page 197 Georgetown Marriages, showing marriages of several Berry family members.
8.Also copy of pages 196 and 197 of Berry family marriages from the copy published in 1935.
9.Vital Records of Georgetown to the Year 1892.Volume III - Deaths. Editor Mary Pelham Hill.Committee on Publication Mary Pelham Hill, Chairman. Published under the Authority of the Maine Historical Society, 1943. pgs. 5,6
10.Printed information on Dr. John Cutting Berry.Hand written note says that “original borrowed from Mrs. Norbert Hanson 8/4/71. Evidently this information was compiled in 1906. (des. of Wm. Lee Sr. + Gen. Joseph Berry). There is much historical information on the Berry family in these pages.
11.“Copy of a letter found in October, 1961 at her Worcester, Mass. home by Miss Katherine Berry, daughter of the late Dr. John C. Berry, who, in 1931, wrote this letter to Betty Ewing, summer resident of Brightwater. Betty is now Mrs. Pierre Lambert”
Binder of Black Family:
(The Descendants of Will Black of Bailey Island.) Information includes many families of Phippsburg.
1. Printed information “The Descendants of Will Black of Bailey Island, Maine. Compiled by Gerry York and Barbara Munsey. This is information on the descendants of William Black 1670-1727 and includes notes and references. Prepared by Gerald D. York RFD Box 554 Orr’s Island, ME 04066.
Binder on Blaisdell Family
1. Descendancy Chart beginning with Ralph Blasdell Family Group Record - 6. There are 3 pages beginning on the first line with Husband Abel Purington Blaisdell-11
Binder on “Genealogy of THE BUTLER FAMILY of Phippsburg”
1.Handwritten copy of the will of William Butler Printed copy of the will of William Butler
2.Printed copy of the Butler Family in Georgetown contributed by J. H. D. (Josiah H. Drummond) from the Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, 1886 VOL. III, No. 2. p. 134 and 135. (several printed copies)
3.Printed copy of the “Butler Family in Georgetown” from the Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder. 1887, No. 1 Vol IV, p. 65.
4.Printed copy of The Butler Family in Georgetown, No. 2 Vol IV, July 1887. This is also by Josiah H.Drummond.
5. Handwritten Historical Record dated Sept. 18, 1897, The Butler Family . On the back is a handwritten family tree of “William Butler”.
6.Other handwritten records of Butler family.
7.Printed copy of Butler Family Records beginning with Thomas Butler, born about 1674.
8.Information about the Civil War Service of Elijah Crombie Butler.
9.Printed copy of Butler family members born in Phippsburg, Sagadahoc County, Maine between 1782 and 1868. The source is IGI (International Genealogical Index), LDS, Hartford, CT.
10.Map of Phippsburg Peninsula from Phippsburg Center to Small Point
11.Copies of photos of Federal Civil War leaders including Colonel Connor Seldon of the 19th Regiment.This was the regiment that Elijah C. Butler belonged to.
12.Photograph of Butler gravestone
13.Information from Silence Hill’s papers about William Butler and the sloop Endeavor.
14. Newspaper article from the Portland Press Herald, April 1884. “An Ancient Burying Ground” about the cemetery on the Rufus Butler property.
Binder on Butler Cemetery:
1. Information about the Butler Cemetery on Route 209 in the Dromore section of Phippsburg and its restoration by Charlie and Carol Main, a poem “The Recording of a Cemetery” by Thelma Greene Reagan, the cleanup efforts of the cemetery, mapping and surveying the cemetery, Butler Cemetery Inventory, Cemetery Diagram, Resetting, Repairing Broken Stones, Cleaning Stones, Photos and Inscriptions of the Stones, Mysteries of the cemetery, Conclusion of the Mains’ efforts, and a poem “This is a Cemetery” are included in this binder.
Binder of Blethen Genealogy
by Basil Blethen of Topsham, Maine from 1646-1 998.
1. Included are vital record statistics beginning with John Blethen of Lynn, Massachusetts, copy of information from theRegistry of Deeds of Alfred Maine by BWB 24/26 in September of 1996 with several entries, copy of “Record of the Blethen Family” by Grandfather Levi Blethen July 24th 1872, newspaper article from the Portland (Maine) Press Herald, Friday, September 4, 1998 with information on the Blethen family and its ownership of the Seattle Times Company and aquisition of the Guy Gannett newspapers in Maine, The Genealogy of the Blethen Family and Descendants of John Blethen from Generation No. 1, and The Blethen Family Story by Basil Blethen “The first generation in America” which goes through Generation four. The genealogical sources of Journey Back with Robert
Sprout/Elizabeth Samson, Journey Back with Henry Samson/Ann Plummer, James Sampson/Martha Cooper, Edmund Cooper/Mary Wyne, all part of the Blethen family history are also included.
Binder on Campbell Family
1. 1 page of Drummond family genealogy as it relates to the Campbell family, beginning with Alexander Drummond.
2. 1 page of printed information on the Campbell family beginning with Alexander Campbell
3.A printed family tree, titled “Campbells of Phippsburg”
4.Letter about the Campbell family roots in Ireland.
5.Letter sent from the Historical Society about the Drummond, Campbell and Cutting Families
6.Copied printed information “The Descendants of Alexander Drummond of Georgetown, Maine Including those by the name of Campbell, Crane, Morse, Eves, Grace, Keith, Marshall, Rogers and Williams. This was written by Josiah Hayden Drummond and printed by The Vermont Printing Company of Brattleboro, Vermont 1942.
7.Copied printed information, “The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Maine 1760-1 800 Compiled and Edited
for the Maine Genealogical Society, by William D. Patterson, Wiscasset, Me. Printed for the Society, Portland, Me. 1895. Pgs 311, 312, 313. This includes information on John Campbell.
Binder on Coffin family:
1.Printed Page on Ernestine, Muriel, Richard, Alfred Coffin’s Parents (also ancestors) (2 copies)
2.Page on Alexander Johnson Coffin Jr. and queries for information on his family
3.Printed copy of Coffins information of the family emigrating from Brixton, England. On this page is handwritten information about Gen. Alexander Scammell.
4.Handwritten copy of Coffin - 1 beginning with Albert Coffin - b. July 24, 1822 ( 6 pages of related information).
5. Printed copy of Coffin information beginning with Nicholas and Jean Coffin and their children: Peter,Tristram, Nicholas and Anne. (29 pages).
Binder on Cushing Family:
1 .The Genealogy of the Cushing Family: An Account of the Ancestors and Descendants of Matthew Cushing, Who Came to America in 1638 by James S. Cushing published by The Perrault Printing Co. 1905
2.Printed copy of Quit Claim Deed from Louisiana Cushing to James and Waldron Cushing.
3.Copied records of Louisana Cushing, widow of Loring Cushing.
4.Photo of Mary Ann Cushing born July 26, 1831 in Phippsburg, Me. Attended school at The Little Red House
5.Application for membership to the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution for a descendant of Captain Peter Cushing.
Binder of Genealogy of The Benjamin Darling Family of Phippsburg:
1.Information of Benjamin Darling of Casco Bay, Maine and Descendants, compiled by the Rev. Chas. N. Sinnett of Fertile, Minnesota (2 printed copies). This information traces 6 generations of the descendents of Benjamin Darling and Sara (Proverbs) Darling.
2.Maine Historical Society Summer 1997 page 3.
3.Newspaper from the Maine Sunday Telegram February 3, 2002 “Settling Maine”.
4.Maine Coast Heritage Trust 2001 Annual Report.
5. Maine Heritage: The Newsletter of Maine Coast Heritage Trust Spring 2002 “Malaga Island, Phippsburg”.
Binder on Cutting Family:
1.Vital record of Henry Cutting, son of Aaron Jr. & Ruth(Pratt) Cutting born Oct. 7, 1771.
2.The Phippsburg Descendants of Richard Cutting of Bromley, or Great Bromley, England.
3.Record of the buying of a pew in the Congregational Meeting House in Phippsburg by Thomas Cutting and Joseph Weston in 1871.
4.A Certificate of Protection issued to Thomas Cutting October 24, 1846. Attached is a handwritten note from a grandchild of Thomas Cutting.
5. Death notice from the Bath Daily Times, January 15, 1914 of William D. Cutting.
6.May 10, 1855, record of sawed lumber by D. Cutting.
7.Letter from the Office of the Town Clerk in Weston, Massachusetts, dated August 19, 1921 to Christine Cutting.
8.Letter from the Office of Town Clerk of Watertown, Mass on September 27, 1929.
9.Records from Vital Records of Attleborough, Massachusetts, to the end of year 1849. Published by Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts 1934.
10.Deed of David Cutting to Drummond Cutting from Sagadahoc County Registry Book 19 Page 220 dated
Oct. 3, 1842 and information about this deed.
11.Deed from Henry Work of Bath to Drummond Cutting, marriner in the Sagadahoc County Registry Book
10 Page 279 Dated July 1, 1830.
12.Deed from Henry Cutting gentleman to Drummond Cutting ship carpenter Sagadahoc County Registry Book 10 Page 276 Dated Sept 30 - 1834
13.Deed from Wm. Brown Esquire and Eliza Brown to David Cutting, marriner Dec. 20, 1852
14.Deed(Copy) from Henry Cutting to Dromore School January 1816 Lincoln County Registry (Lithgow’s estate is written at the top of copy) (other information written on this page).
15.Deed Henry Cutting to son Daniel Cutting 26 November 1834.
16.Deed of Thomas Scott of Phippsburg to Drummond Cutting dated Sept. 12 - 1834
17.Deed of Elijah Drummond to Henry Cutting in Lincoln County Registry Book 83 page 142 Dated June 3, 1812.
18.Information on tract of land from Henry Cutting.
19.Letter written from Weston Public Library
20.Inventory of Henry Cutting Papers in the Phippsburg Historical Society. The papers date from 1805 to 1814, and primarily concern his career as a member of the Millitia of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts before and during the War of 1812. Gift fronm the Cutting Family, done by John Bernard Carney 22 July 1996.
21.Handwritten copy of “The name and family of Cutting” 5 pages.
22.Hand drawn map of the area of Phippsburg with the Butler-Drummond line
23.Printed material on Cutting family
24. Printed genealogy - “The Phippsburg Descendants of Richard Cutting of Bromley, or Great Bromley, England - 4 pages with some notes handwritten in.
25. Printed Cutting Genealogy
26. Handwritten “The Descendants of Richard Cutting of Great Bromley (Bromley) England. 5 pages.
27. Letters about the Cutting family
Binder of Davis, Simon (1754-1818) and Margaret Drummond, (1765-1853):
1. Information includes letters and application for membership in the DAR based on Simon Davis’ service at Bunker Hill.
Binder of Day, Abraham and Mary:
1. There are copies of original documents which are difficult to read.
Binder - Drummond Collection:
1.The descendants of Alexander Drummond of Georgetown, Me. This was published by Josiah Hayden Drummond in 1942. The information includes the names of Campbell, Chamberlain, Crane, Morse, Eves, Grace, Keith, Marshall, Rogers and Williams.
2.Drummond Line by June Drummond Hughes.
3. The Patrick Drummond Story by Ada Minott Haggett, descendant and member of the Maine Society of the Daughters of the American Colonists, 1993.This family came from Tipperary, Ireland to Phippsburg, Maine. The information was compiled by Barbara Mason, July 1990. The Dudly name was changed to Duley in the early 1800s. Information includes the original deed from Lithgow and McCobb to Michael Duly for land in Parker’s Head; a picture of the Duley House and General Store, newspaper clippings and funeral cards
Phippsburg Information of Different Areas of the Town
Phippsburg Center:
Camp Keebec
Center News 1947-1948
History of the Center
Phippsburg School
The Ship St. Mary of Phippsburg
Village Life
General Phippsburg History
Cox’s Head
Fiddlers Reach
Malaga Island
Copy of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston. Captain Lane’s correspondence and pictures of Malaga. Captain Lane was responsible for building a school house on the island.
1.Editorial by Douglas Watts: Historian: Islanders Eviction was Illegal.
2.Fictional story by B. Rodick
3.Genealogy of the Benjamin Darling Family as complied by Rev. Chas. N. Sinnett
4.A History of Malaga Island Group (contains errors)
5.History of Malaga by Stanwood C. Gilman (1963).
7.Inter Island News Oct. 2006. “Digging for Truth - Malaga Excavation”.
8.Legends Concerning the Early History of Malaga Island
9.Malaga Island correspondence 1909-1911. A collection of letters.
10.Malaga Island Miscellaneous
11.Thesis of 1939 by Jane Hosmer
12.Reports of the State Committee of Council 1911-1912
13.Report of the Me. Commission of Feeble-minded...1917-1 918
14.Obituary of Lottie Blackwell 7/10/ 97
15. Thesis on Malaga Island from 1880-1 912 by John P. Mosher, 1991.
Phippsburg and the Civil War
Phippsburg Lime Industry
Phippsburg Roads
Phippsburg Soldiers in the Civil War
Pitch Pine Hill Area
Vikings in Phippsburg
War of 1812
West Point
Battery D 8th Coast Artillery Data - Data on Mural Showing the Building of Ft. Popham
Fort Popham
The Popham Colony Dig
The First Thanksgiving - Reenactment and Theories 1964-1965
Popham - Miscellaneous Data
The ‘Viriginia’ Maine’s First Ship
Small Point
The Alliquippa
Three Fevers Camp
Mountain Farm and Seashore Company
Small Point Data